Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Fondue's and Don'ts

My family used to have oil fondue's on Christmas Eve every year. It was a lot of fun, but also a little precarious. Hot pots of oil, usually a dry Christmas tree, and a few clutzy girls (I was the worst) - I think we were all on edge most of the time. After I had a wee bit of a grease fire in 4th year university, we opted to change it up and do Raclette, which is awesome. Today's post however, is about fondue, and while I still love to fondue, now I keep it to cheese and chocolate.

Fondue's and Don'ts
- Do use quality ingredients in the fondue, good cheese and wine are musts
- Don't worry too much about the dippers - the focus is on the cheese - a few blanched veggies, apples, and some breadsticks and bread and you are good to go
- Do serve a light green salad on the side, but don't worry if it doesn't get eaten!
- Do invite friends over to share
- Don't try and have too many people, crowded pots are never a good idea

The recipe we used this past weekend was great, so here it is for all to enjoy. I cook mine on the stove in my Le Creuset Dutch Oven and then transfer to the fondue pot to keep warm.

Classic Cheese Fondue
- 1/2 pound imported Swiss cheese, shredded
- 1/2 pound Gruyere cheese, shredded (I used a Cave aged Gruyere that was so good!)
- 2 tbsp cornstarch
- 1 garlic clove, peeled
- 1 cup white whine (I used Oyster Bay Chardonnay, one of my favs)
- 1 tbsp lemon juice
- 1 tbsp cherry brandy, such as kirsch
- 1/2 tsp dry mustard

In a small bowl, coat cheeses with cornstarch and set aside. Rub inside of the pot with garlic, then discard. Over medium heat, add wine and lemon juice and bring to a gentle simmer. Gradually stir the cheese into the simmering liquid. Once smooth, stir in kirsch and mustard.

Serve with blanched cauliflower, broccoli and asparagus, baby potatoes, granny smith apples and breadsticks.

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