Monday, August 26, 2013

Back To School

It's that time of year again, back to school madness is all around us. And this year it is back to school for me. With a 5 month old and a part-time MBA program, it helps to get organized, especially when it comes to meal times. With that in mind, I have decided to undertake two small challenges, that I found in the September issue of Canadian Living. The first is an article '1 Grocery Bag 5 Lunches'. So I sent Brent off to the grocery store, and day 1 lunch was great (Fresh Orange Chicken Salad). I will blog about the entire experience at the end of the week.

The second challenge is again from the same issue of CL: 30 Meals for 30 Days. With downloadable calendars and shopping lists, we will be following the meal plan for the entire month of September. This is the plan, and we'll see how it goes. I will keep blogging throughout.

In the meantime, here is a great way to start getting yourself organized. I'm sure I'm not the only one who has struggled with the dreaded spice rack. I have tried so many different contraptions, and different ideas on how to manage this, and every one has inevitably failed - until the latest. This idea came to me from my sister-in-law, and it is great. I love the way it looks, and it is easy to manage. It really makes me wonder why it took me so long to do this.

I've organized my spice rack using mason jars and labels. So simple. Another bonus, it forces you to purchase spices in smaller quantities. They don't last forever, so if you can find a bulk store that sells spices it's a great idea to start purchasing them as you need them. No more falling spices and sneeze attacks every time I'm looking for something.

Happy cooking!

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