Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Ice Cream Cone Cupcakes

Growing up my mom used to make awesome birthday cakes and desserts (and still does!). I remember decorating cakes with gummy worms and M&M's, so good! But one birthday cake idea that has stuck around is the Ice Cream Cone Cupcake - exactly what it sounds like, a cupcake in an ice cream cone.
I remember having these at school - I need to remember to ask my mom how she transported them, because I've been bringing them to bake sales and work parties for years, and still haven't figured it out!

When I was working in a kitchen at a summer camp I started making these for kids birthday's, instead of the regular cake. I decorated them the same way my mom did, with jelly bean eyes and licorice mouths. It was great, no kid could complain about someone's piece being bigger or smaller. And I made sure each cupcake had 1 black jelly bean, so no one could complain about wanting another one because they didn't like the black jelly beans. It was great! Making over 100 of them sometimes was a little crazy, and a few would inevitably go down in the process.

Nowadays when there have been bake sales, potlucks or birthday parties at work, I've brought these back. And every time someone asks me how I get the cake into the ice cream cone. Everyone is always surprised to find out you bake the cake in the cone! Somehow the ice cream cone manufacturers got a hold of my mom's idea and started printing the instructions on the box, but that's okay, because everyone should experience Ice Cream Cone Cupcakes!

Ice Cream Cone Cupcakes
- Cake batter of your choice (you can use a box, or any si
mple vanilla or chocolate cake recipe)
- 24 flat bottomed ice cream cones
- Icing of your choice (I strongly encourage making your own but understand sometimes there are time constraints and the tubs are super convenient)
- Sprinkles, candies, chocolates, nuts...
Preheat oven to heat specified in cake batter recipe. Stand cones up without touching on cookie sheet. Pour 1/3 cup of batter into each cone. Bake in centre of oven for time specified for cupcakes (around 20 - 24 minutes). Check at 20 minutes - use a toothpick, when it comes out clean they are cooked through.

Let cool on rack. Decorate and enjoy!

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