Thursday, April 2, 2009

And she's back...

Hello everyone in the cyber world. First of all, my apologies for taking so long to get back to blogging. The story is two-fold. As you may have read, beer was spilled on the laptop which created quite a mess. When we did get a new computer however, I wasn't yet ready to dive back into blogging, and was kind of enjoying the hiatus. And then about a month ago I decided to get back into it, and got very excited.

This past Christmas I had made cookbooks for my 3 sisters and my parents, so I already had dozens of recipes typed up and ready to go... Alas, seems as though when the computer was dying, it ate all of my recipe files. So while I was ready to start blogging, I wasn't ready to start trying to remember all of my recipes and I feared that were I to try and remember without recreation, I might make a mistake and then fellow readers, the results for you would not be what I had envisioned. And no, I had not made myself a cookbook, as I figured I would eventually have all the recipes online on this blog. Never trust technology...

All of that to say, I'm back, and I think I may explore a bit of a different format for this blog. I'm going to experiment a bit, please send me your feedback. While I will continue posting recipes, I'm also going to branch out and do some restaurant reviews, recommend books on food, cookbooks and also different websites.

Don't worry, I've still been cooking up a storm and have plenty of great things to share, so keep checking back, and I promise, it won't be another 6 weeks!

1 comment:

rich said...

woohoo. welcome back! look forward to reading more!