Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Gifts from the Kitchen

It's that time of year again, people seem to get stressed out no matter what during the holidays. It's important at this busy time to take time for yourself, find something that helps you to relax, whether it's watching a favourite movie (Little Women, When Harry Met Sally & The Notebook are some of my favs), reading, playing scrabble, exercising...whatever works. For me, cooking and being in the kitchen brings me the most peace in the world. Putting on good music and grabbing a glass of wine before helps too!

So that being said, I love to cook and bake, but if I ate everything that came out of the kitchen, I wouldn't be able to fit through the door! So, I make gifts or have people over and send them home with leftovers. This year for some colleagues at work, I decided to make some Tamari Almonds. I made them for my boss last year for Christmas, and everyone is always asking for them. I've been known to use them to help when I'm asking for vacation time...

2 1/2 cups whole unblanched almonds
1/4 cup tamari (or soy sauce)
splash of fresh squeezed lemon
a couple of pinches cayenne (optional)

On parchment lined baking sheet roast almonds at 350F until fragrant, about 5 minutes. Sprinkle on tamari, lemon and cayenne and stir. Roast in oven for 7 minutes, stir and then turn off oven and leave in for 12 minutes. Let cool on rack. Make enough for yourself too!


Amanda said...

Mmmm those look so good! Did you come up with the idea to package them in mason jars and put homemade labels? Actually whether it was your idea or not is unimportant they look sooo cute. What a great gift that people will actually enjoy and can reuse the packaging. I get depressed about all the disposable stuff at Christmas but this is great! Hope you two enjoyed the remainder of your time off after returning to Vancouver, much love,


The Nutritionista said...

This is so awesome!! You are soooo cute!

hanne said...

Yum, I love tamari almonds. And I love those little labels on your mason jars! Edible gifts are such a great idea: thoughtful, homemade, uncluttery. I'm looking forward to seeing what else you're cooking up.